Effortlessly share your startup journey across social media with automated updates straight from your git commits, Engage with your audience and drive interest in your startup
Get DevPostr
75% of startups fail because of lack of social presence
You have a great product, but no one knows about it. You spend hours adding developing that perfect saas, but struggle to find time to promote your product. You quit your project, and your product never sees the light of day.
Develop Saas
No one knows about it
Quit project
All you need to build in publicand get customers fast
- Generate and Post Tweets right from the dasboard, no need to go to Twitter
- Use Custom prompt when generating tweets to tailor it to your liking
Save hours of Marketing and focus on development!
Monthly subscription
Perfect for new developers
- Ai generated tweets from github repos
- Post right from your Dashboard!
Forever Deal
one time payment Forever!!
- Ai generated tweets from github repos
- Post right from your Dashboard!
- 24/7 support